Thursday, October 9, 2008

My baby is ONE!!!

I can't believe it! We all love Tessa Elaine so much, and truly couldn't imagine life without her - seeing as I wouldn't have her attached to my leg or hip. Here's a little montage of some of this "lovely" little girl's 1st year of life!

Here's a few silly things about Tess:
She always wakes up with a smile!
She loves to sneak upstairs to see Grandma.
She feeds more than half of her meals to Kirby the Dog!
Her favorite song is Patty Cake.
She loves the book "Five Little Ducklings," and wants it read over and over.
She can say so many things: Hi, Bye, Uh-oh, Dad, Ma, Dog, Woof, All done, Go, and NO!
She has taken up to 12 steps but still prefers crawling!
She likes to push buttons, especially keyboards and cell phones.

We love our Tessalaner!!!
In case you didn't catch the video here's the link:
View this montage created at One True Media
Tessa Elaine's 1st Year!


  1. Isn't it crazy how fast they grow up?! I can't believe she's already one! She's such a sweet little girl.

  2. That song was so adorable, and very appropriate.
