Monday, February 2, 2009

What a week!

I can't even begin to explain how crazy this last week was for me. It didn't rain, it poured!
It started off with the death one of the sweetest people I have ever known. I have so many great memories of her from Young Women events and high school. She was in my Driver's Ed class and I remember us have the best time, laughing about all the crazy rules of the road that we would never obey! I think my favorite thing to do with her was leave ladies choir 10 minutes early to avoid hall traffic with her wheelchair, and riding in the elevator wasn't half bad either! She was a special person and I can't wait for the day that I see her again with her beautiful perfect body!
On Wednesday my best friend Heidi got married! It was fun, low-key wedding and so nice. They were sealed in the Jordan River Temple in the morning and it was a wonderful experience. Their sealer talked all about the importance of family. It was lovely. What wasn't lovely was the snow that started outside! It really wasn't too bad, but I'm sure Richard and Heidi were Popsicles by the time they were done with pictures. After that, there was a luncheon at Market Street (woo-hoo!) and it was delicious.
Me and Heidi in a typical "working moms" pose!Me, Heidi and Richard.
I think the thing that I enjoyed the most was spending the whole morning and most of the afternoon with my super hot husband! It was so nice to got to the temple and hold hands while listening to the sealers advice to the couple. Then we did some errands on the way to the luncheon, and actually sat down and ate in peace without the childrens! Thanks to my mom for watching the girls. I've realized, throughout this whole medical school experience, to enjoy every second I get with my husband - and I thoroughly did!
This was us on the bridge outside of MS.
Thursday, I helped my mom get ready for the funeral luncheon, and practiced the piano.
Friday was Jordan's Funeral and it was perfect. That's really the only words to describe it. Perfect! I love her family so much, they are some of the best people ever. Her mom is an amazing accompanist and handles almost all of the ward's piano playing needs. With her not able to play this week, I got to take over everything. Wow! That woman is a SAINT! I have never been so tired of playing the piano in my whole life. I was more than happy to play for the funeral, in fact I wanted to. It was all the other stuff people called and asked me to help with, on top of me getting a cold, that pushed me into piano overload. I played for the funeral, then helped with the luncheon afterwards. Saturday, I played at a baptism. Sunday I played the organ (what a joke!) and played for primary (which is my calling) and talked in Young Women's and substituted for the choir! Phew . . . that wears me out thinking about it! This almost sounds like complaining, but it most definitely is not. I am so grateful for the talents that Heavenly Father has blessed me with. I love playing the piano almost more than anything else! Music is so special to me and I owe thanks for the many things I have learned from it. If you haven't heard "Come thou Fount" from the Reflections of Christ soundtrack, your'e missing out. It's by far our favorite song and I want it back in the hymn book.
I also got a bonus calling this week . . . Girl's Camp Director! I'm so excited! It'll be crazy planning it, but I love the girls and that's all that matters.
PS We also had an amazing Super Bowl party yesterday. My Grandma Audrey, her husband, and Josh and Syd all came over. Dang those Cardinals! We were all screaming and none of us sat down the whole last quarter. The food we had far outshone the game, Mango Habenero wings, potato skins, ribs, coleslaw, clam chowder in bread bowls, and chips and dips galore!

1 comment:

  1. Love the restaurant in the background!!! I'm wishing for a bowl of clam chowder, sourdough bread and blackened halibut! Yum!
