Saturday, March 21, 2009

A little bit of this, a little bit of that!

That's the perfect description our little life. We've been busy enjoying this beautiful spring weather, walking almost every morning, playing at the park and in the backyard, doing projects, and of course Cory's getting in some golfing!
I love this sweet face! But don't let it fool you! This is what she'll do when caught with an illegal substance. What's wrong with Powdered Sugar for breakfast?!?
I made this stroller liner (with only a little help from Momma) and I love how it turned out. I always look at Toile at the fabric store and think, "How could I use that?" I finally found a use! What a lifesaver as opposed to spending 9 hours removing the other liner to clean it.This little Missy is in love with being outside. She'd live out there if I let her. She is right at home in the dirt and loves to pick up garbage at the park! And this is what we do for fun at our house:

This other little Missy, is definitely OCD! She has a hard time with any dirt or grass or anything on her hands or feet. She loves to jump on the tramp and knows that's a safe place from bully Tessa (she's afraid to get on, I think it's because she can see through to the ground)! She had many takes of this little "routine" that she made up. It reminds me of Reading Rainbow, but a description of herself instead of the book. After each take, she'd come look at "her movie" and approve or say, "Let's redo that." Some of the outtakes are amazing!

She also said the greatest thing at the park the other day. This guy was jogging past, and had his shirt off. Emory spotted him and squealed, "THAT GUYS NAKED!!!!" He had ear phones in and still heard it! What a girl!
Here are both of the Missie's getting their wrestle on. It looks like Emory's winning but once again, don't be fooled!
Homemade muffins with fresh blueberries. Emory loves blueberries. Actually she hates them! Explanation: The juniper-like bush in our backyard produces a berry. They're blue and small and Emory loves to pick them. I get after her every time, because I don't want her to eat them. She always says, "But Mom, I need to pick the blueberries!" So, last week I let her pick out some blueberries at the store. I told her we'd make muffins. I changed my mind and made syrup for our German pancakes and cocaine (see picture above). She was devastated when the blueberries disappeared. Round two: The Muffins. I actually let her taste a plain blueberry and she spit it out! After that, she was hesitant to taste a muffin. She eventually did, but wasn't a huge fan like her mom, who probably ate 6 for breakfast!
I also took our door off on a warm day, and painted it. The triumph in that . . . I did it all by myself! And carried it up these stairs! It was no small feat, let me tell you. It turned out nicely. We, all the helpful adults of my family, trimmed back the hideous ivy that plagued our porch. The rocks you can see in the those pictures were completely covered in 12 years of ivy growth. It'll come back, but now I can sleep knowing that my children aren't rolling around in spider nests of ivy! Plus, Billy Goat Kirby loves to climb the rocks!
Last but not least, we got to visit some lovely friends from AZ. It was sad circumstances but we were grateful we got to see them. Carmie is out of the hospital and doing much better now! It was so sweet to see both little girls eyes light up when they saw each other.I also got to go to the Opera with my friend this week, and it was so fun. I'd never been, unless you count listening to Michael Ballam singing his lecture in class an opera - I actually almost count that! What a sly devil he was! (Just teasing, he has a great program called Opera for Kids in Cache Valley that both Cory and I participated in. It is super cool!) Anyways, we saw "The Marriage of Figaro" and it was totally entertaining. I was blown away by the singing! What a fun girls night out, and hats off to Cory for watching 4 kids under 4 - a true feat for someone who considers himself "babysitting" when he's watching his own children!


  1. LOVE the liner! adorable!! especially after I had to wash a poopy car seat last night. love emory's naked man comment. love her fear of blueberries. love michael ballam. :)

  2. Good job taking the door off! Doing things like that can be really intimidating and satisfying at the same time. I hope it went back on okay. I LOVE blueberries! Here is a link to the most wonderful blueberry scone (like brittish scones) recipe in the world. I swear that you will love it!
