Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I've been promising my friend Heidi that we'd come visit her for months, so we finally got down to her side of the world. Fairview Utah . . . any ideas where it is? I only knew because my grandpa had a cabin in Mt. Pleasant when I was young, and Fairview was the last town before Mt. Pleasant. It's pretty much the center of Utah, at least it looks like that on the map.
I had such a great time driving down there and passing by the familiar sights that I used to watch for on the way to the cabin. We sold it after my Grandpa Norman passed away, and I love the memories I have of that place.
The girls loved seeing all the animals and going through the mountains to visit "our Heidi".
When we pulled up to the trailer, Emory said, "I love to visit the country." I think the tip-off that we were in the country was the sheep in Heidi's backyard!?!We played at a way fun park, shopped at THE CUTEST boutique - I'll be returning soon - and went to Rodger's Dairy Freeze for dinner. I have the best memories of Rodger's; I think I've mentioned this before but as a child I was obsessed with Kraft Singles (I think it was the 8th ingredient, gelatin, that won me over) but Rodger's made the yummiest grilled cheese sandwiches, with you guessed it, Kraft Singles! So, I got the girls a "girled" cheese and ate most of it!After dinner, Richard came home from work. He took the girls for a 4-wheelin' ride. Tessa had fun, we think, but wouldn't even crack smile. Emory loved it and talked about it for days. Richard showed us some of his hidden skills, and as he rode up Emory informed him, "You just did 2 tricks!!"Thanks Heidi, Richard, and Baloo for all the fun times!
That Sunday we had friends over for dinner. When I talk about Emory and Tessa being "our girls", these are "our boys"! We just can't seem to get enough of each other. I just think it's nice to have friends that are in the same circumstances as yourself; going to school, tight with the moneys, living in a relatives basement, husbands that seem to be twins separated at birth . . . the list goes on!
Gavin tucked Emory in (her face just says bliss!) and Emory tucked Gavin in.Emory loves her some Gavin, if you can't tell from this picture!
And cute Jackson used to be so scared of Kirby, but he's turning a corner. I love his face in this picture!One last thing, it's kinda been all about Emory lately, but who can forget this cutie! She came running up to me with this on her finger and she was fiercely whispering, "Momma! A feather, a FEATHER!" She is such a toot and a sweetie rolled into one. We just can't get over how precious and naughty she is.
Some of the hilarious things she's said lately are:
(Pointing at a decorative wooden duck)
Tessa: This your duck?
Mom: Nope
Tessa: My duck!
(Everything belongs to someone is her philosophy. Cory will hug me and she'll yell, "My momma!")

I walked out to load up the car and she was upset I'd left without her, and as I walked back in the door she yelled . . . "You're back!!!"

She's been singing the "Happy Birthday to You" song for a week straight. Now she thinks it's "my(her) birthday"!

She loves all the Disney Princesses, and let me tell you, I'm going crazy over them. They're the size of Polly Pocket dolls and she takes them everywhere, with not one or two in her hands, but FIVE! I'm just waiting for the meltdown when we lose one

The Color Game: We all know this one around here. She loves to guess the color of things. She knows all the names, but hasn't put them together. She'll hold something up and say, "What color?" We'll say, "I don't know, what color is it?" She'll then list three or four colors until she gets it!

Last of all, she'll run away from you, most likely in the aisle of a grocery store, and when she gets to the end, she'll turn around and yell, "I beat you!!" I wonder which competitive person she learned that from, Cory or Emory?

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it ironic that you come to Sanpete County when I am up north in Salt Lake.
