Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Emory has started her last year of pre-school! Wow, I really can't believe it has come to this. Next year, where ever we may be, she'll start Kindergarten and she couldn't be more excited. All I hear is "When I start Kindergarten . . ." She's a reading champ! Reading is her #1 preferred activity. I can't stop her. We've even started some chapter books, and I catch her with the books in a corner, reading ahead! She also started a musical theatre program, which is so up her alley. It's singing, dancing, and acting . . . what more could a girl ask for.
Tessa is growing up entirely too quickly. She wants to do everything that Em does. She was devastated when she didn't start school and when she realized she wasn't invited to the dance class. I've had to start saying, "When you turn 2 you can do things like Em." I've put off potty training for awhile now, only because diapers are so convenient. She's totally ready, and I'll hunker down and do it after her birthday in a couple weeks.
Cory is having the experience of a lifetime, using public transit to get around Cleveland, Ohio. We talk all day long and miss him terribly. Tessa likes to emphasize the fact that he's gone by saying, "I want daddy's help, not yours!"
I am so sad that the nights are getting closer to freezing, because then I won't be able to walk out to the garden, pick a tomato and make myself a BLT for lunch each day. Young Women's keeps me busy and we're looking forward to all the autumn time fun that's coming up these next few months.
Water Fountain at Gateway.Labor Day at Cascade Springs.

1 comment:

  1. Wow your kids are growing up so fast! Little Tessa is tall from the looks of things! We really should get together one of these days, before you up and leave us all here in Utah and go live somewhere else:) Very cute pics. It sounds like you are keeping busy though so I'm sure that makes it a little easier not having your hubby around. I hope so anyway!
