Wednesday, October 21, 2009

For the LOVE . . .

I've been contemplating the meaning of make-up lately and why I even attempt wearing it. I HATE putting it on, and when I do put it on, it always looks blah or crappy. I've come to the conclusion the I don't like my finished product face because I don't were lipstick. I DOUBLE HATE it! Why? Because it comes off and I don't want to have to re-apply it 5 times a day (No offense to lipstick re-appliers, you're all better people than me). But I think the #1 reason I don't like lipstick is because when I kiss my husband, it gets on him. So, for the love of my husband I don't were lipstick!
On a side note, I haven't kissed my husband in 32 days and only 2 more till I get too!!! (I guess I don't have a good excuse for not wearing lipstick for the last 32 days.) The girls and I are driving down to Hurricane and Cory is driving up from Phoenix and we're spending the weekend at his Uncles house. Hooray for Dixie weather, Hooray for Mike and Sheila, and most of all Hooray for seeing CORY!
On an even more random side note, I found these old-ish pictures at Cory's Grandma's house.
A very young Cory and Rachel shoveling the snow in Logan in our Sunday clothes. It had to be sometime in the winter of 2003.The ONLY picture of my pregnant belly with Tessa. What a face! This was around 7 months.And these are from Summer 2009; the girls were trying on Grandpa Hulse's glasses and thought they were so funny. What a face, again! I promise I wasn't drunk. (I remember when Emory was a baby and Grandma Hulse would take off her glasses, Emory would get the saddest look and start crying. It was so funny that she couldn't recognize Grandma without her glasses!)


  1. I do that same face from the pregnancy pic ALL THE TIME!!! I didn't realize how often I do it until I was also sorting through pics and it's in about half of them. I guess that's why I have to reapply chapstick a hundred times a day (and part of why you don't want to wear lipstick!).

  2. I'm laughing because didn't I call you a couple days later and talk about make-up! Funny. You totally don't have to do it. The old pics are fun.
