Monday, November 15, 2010

And the hits just keep on comin' . . .

Tessa told me the other day, as I was getting out of the shower, that she "didn't want to grow up." We have a Peter Pan enigma that hangs around our house, so I wasn't totally surprised. Until . . . she closed her eyes, squinted really hard, grunted a little, and said, "Good, no more growing; cuz I don't want a big bum like you." Really.
Then this morning she told me, "Stop saying naughty words or I'll throw-up on you!" Seriously.

1 comment:

  1. oh my, oh my, she is a gem. I think she needs to get some perspective and get a gander at a real big bum :)cuz your's is not!
    What are we going to do with her? she cracks me up!
