Tuesday, March 8, 2011


My Tessa is a CHARACTER. Everyone who knows her, knows this. There is an alleged "flatulence" video going around of late, that I'm too embarrassed to go public with. Let me just say, it will change your life. (Let me know if you wanna see it and I'll send you the link.)

She's said some amazing things lately.

As she was admiring her clothing choice in the mirror one morning (a hoodie and jeans) she said, "I look quite a bit like a boy."

Cory was running around in his unders one Sunday morning, getting breakfast for the girls, etc. Tessa commented, "Dad, you're hiding something in your pants!"

And just now as we were walking up the stairs to our apartment, our neighbors door was open and you could smell their food cooking. Tessa yelled in their open door, "Your house smells like India!!!"


  1. I love it! I don't know if I can wait much more to see those little girls again, and it's only March. We love and miss you guys.

    P.S. for anyone reading...the flatulence video will change your life.
