Thursday, April 14, 2011

THE Quilt

As my mom can attest to, I've been mulling over and praying for and fretting about and revamping my idea for bedding for the girls. I think it was 2 years ago, when I announced I was ready to do it. I didn't do it. Finally, I saved up enough baby-sitting money to buy my fabric and the matching headboards. Here is a DELICIOUS taste of the quilting that's yet to come!
(Times this 10"x10" square by 42 and I'm done! Oh wait, there's two of them.)

Friday, April 8, 2011

Best Day EVER!

As a frugalicious Mormon Mom, I'm always looking for ways to "spend money to save money", as my dad and Cory would say. But even Cory was impressed by this receipt:
If you can't read it it says:
Due = $5.25
I got 21 McCalls and Vogue patterns this week 4/$1! This is a Donna Karan $30 Vogue pattern that I got for a quarter. (Our JoAnns is liquidating, cause they're moving locations.)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Wedding

We have had some busy-ness lately, or always; pick one and you can probably concur. In the midst of all the schtuff was Cory's brother's wedding. Luckily, it was in our neck of the woods or we wouldn't have been able to attend. We were so happy to have Cory's family up to visit before, and to play with them, in Seattle, after.

We {heart} Baby Mahal, who is growing up all to quickly, without our permission! (Oh, we like Kellie and Adrian too!)

We had some Be-A-utiful days mixed in with some horrendously rainy ones. One word . . . Oregon.

Cory's face says he's done with family time, in this next shot.

The Big Day = Rain . . . really? What did you expect? The sun was out yesterday for cryin' out loud.

Grandpa Bruce let Tessa wear his suit coat because she was cold.

Cory's dad Bruce, his wife Teresa, and us - minus Em because of an immanent bladder explosion.

Thank goodness for the Atrium. Papa Flint, Grandma Lisa and the GrandGirls.

Three of the 4 dresses I made for the wedding.

The girls favorite little person!

Tessa causing problems as usual.

Cory's sweet Grandma.

The Happy Couple - that's an undestatement. These two gush about their love every chance they get; which happens to be often via Blogger and Facebook ;)

We Love us some Pike Place Market.

Oh my deliciousness! Adrian, Cory, Flint, and I shared a seafood feast fit for . . . well, us! Thank you Crab Pot.

On Pier 57; I think Grandma was done with family togetherness by this point.

Sadly enough, I think that this was the girls favorite thing about the trip. Swimming at the hotel. It was a lot of fun, even though I forgot a suit.

The poses these girls can bust out are priceless!

THANKS to Kellie, who took all these pictures because I left my camera at home. Some of the outtake shots are just as entertaining as the real shots. Who am I kidding? They're WAY more entertaining.

I think I've forgotten how to hold babies, Tessa is the BitterBeer man, and Emory lost her eyes somewhere.

Either Tess has gotten too comfortable, wrapped in Kayla's arms or her oxygen supply is dwindling from the choke hold.

Here's a good idea! Let's do a standing up shot of the girls, and trust this crazy 5 year old to hold up the baby.

It was a good idea . . . in thought. (I love all of our faces; I appear to be the only one who is concerned they dropped the baby.)

No words to describe . . .

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Bored after Conference . . .

I found this in the hall . . .
and this on the bathroom floor . . .
and this in the garbage . . .
Welcome to Emory's Salon, where you get the worst haircut of your life FREE OF CHARGE!!!
(It appears they were going for a layered affect, no? At least she wetted it before she cut it.)
"Tessa convinced me to do it!", "Emory did it to me!", "You made me!", the accusations kept on coming.
I was laughing way too hard to be mad at first, but now that the gravity of the terribleness that is Tessa's hair has hit me . . . these children will be afraid to pick up scissors for their ENTIRE LIVES after I'm done with them!!!!