Monday, May 9, 2011

Time out

Cory had a whole week off and in the end of April, so we did some serious relaxing and house hunting. I will be so glad when I never have to move or look for places to live! We explored Riverfront Park and thoroughly enjoyed the scenery, playgrounds and Carousel.

During that week, we were still house sitting and the girls loved being outside!
They built this "fort" from mossy branches that had littered the yard in a recent wind storm.

I also caught them like this the other day . . .
The explanation was, "We need to go to the bathroom at the same time." We're so converted to Oregonism-Conservation we want to flush the least amount of times possible. That's commitment, girls!
Sadly, the YW Pres. and I were released because we're both moving. I will sorely miss these girls. They have been tremendous babysitters, crafting partners, "Movie-game" players, and friends.

1 comment:

  1. so cute! I am still dying over the sharing of the potty. They are too much!
