Monday, April 9, 2012

Spring Break

Fairly last minute, we got invited to Utah for Spring Break. 13 hours in the car later, we were there and no worse for the wear! It was a fun-filled week packed to the brim with activities and family. My mom gave my a Baby Shower for "He-Who-Will-Not-Be-Named," and it was Awesome.

A few members of Cory's family came down, lots of my family was there, close friends and a ton of Ward Family members literally "showered" us with gifts! I really don't know how we shoved it all in my car to come back home.

We went to the Living Planet Aquarium, had playdates with friends, visited the Clark Planetarium and Mars,

gorged ourselves at Leatherby's,

walked around the new City Creek Mall,

saw Popcorn Popping,

went to The Hunger Games (well, the girls didn't go to that) and fished a weird calcification-thinger out of Emory's mouth. (I can't even tell you how creeped out I am by this thing. Emory has her 6-year molars coming in and she'd had a little flap of gum that kept bleeding when we brushed. Then, one day she tells me there's something hard back there. Sure enough, there is. I tweezer-ed that thing out and am still speechless. It looks bigger than it was, maybe an 1/8th of an inch long.)

We also made Sushi!

There was lots of playing in the backyard, walks and just hanging out with family, too.
Thankfully, my mom drove back home with us and we got to play with her for a couple days. We walked/rode across the Union Street Railroad Bridge on the nicest day ever.

Tessa and I took Grandma out to lunch and this monster grilled cheese had Tessa's name on it.

What a great Trip, thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Hi my sugar girls. Loved the Easter pictures and stories. It was so good to get to see you and have you over for dinner. Loved that and Love you all Grandma Audrey
