Tuesday, June 4, 2013


May was a blur.  Some of the highlights were:

 Tessa's Dance Recital

Love these little friends!

The performance was a the Historic Elsinore Theatre.  It was beautiful and such a fun event.

Some crazy. cupcake lady from the shop next to the theatre chased these guys down and made them pose for a picture that she wanted us to tag her shop in.  Didn't happen, but it was nice of her!

 Fischer decided he was tired of watching dance, so he laid down right in the middle of the studio and didn't move for the whole dance.

I'm pretty proud of that hole in Berkleigh's mouth.  She let me pull it out a couple weeks ago, and she was very brave-ish!


 There sweet friend Annabelle came to the performance.  She's gonna dance it up next year.  I love my little girls!  Berkleigh (on the right) is only 8 months older than Tessa, and Annabelle (on the left) is 2 1/2 years younger!

And, of course, we celebrated at Tessa's favorite, Venti's.

 I refilled the sandbox to keep Fischer busy while I'm cooking, doing yard work or gardening.  Not the cleanest activity.

Fischer turned One on May 22nd.  He's a boy to the core and that's the best way to describe him! 
Here are some fun facts about Fischer at 1:
  • He is 30 3/4 inches tall (75th%-tile), 22 lbs. 14 oz. (75th %-tile), and 49 1/2 cm head circumference (97th%-tile)
  • Sometimes he wakes up at 6 am, sometimes he wakes up at 8:30 am, it's a surprise every morning!
  • He loves to yell up the stairs to his sisters, and now crawl up to play.
  • He eats anything and everything, but especially love strawberries and protein shakes.
  • He tries to get outside every chance he can get, mostly to eat sand.
  • He lives for when Cory comes home from work.
  • Everything goes in the mouth.
  • He has 3 favorite books that he likes to look at over and over, and often rips the flaps on them when he gets too excited.
  • He can stand forever, and has taken up to 3 steps!
  • He sleeps great at night and is transitioning to 1 nap a day.
  • He says, "Ma," "Dad," and "Nah," for NO.
  • And he was not a fan of being weaned.

How did this happen?!

Opening Presents.  He's a book lover like his sisters. 

Singing to him.

 Never fails that the baby tries to grab the lit candle!

 A little taste.

 A little lick.

 Okay, I think I can eat this.

And Preschool Graduation

1 comment:

  1. how can they all be so grown up?? still adorable as always, though! :)
