Tuesday, September 1, 2015

End of Summer

The summer was coming to a close so we tried to fill it with lots of fun activities. 
Some of our favorite people, the Wallaces, asked us to watch their girls for a few days while they went on Trek with their ward. Maria and Malan are dolls!

This is a Puppet Show about Pioneers.

We went to the Willamette River a couple times and tried to be as awesome as possible.

During that awesome/ghetto/white trash period we also had a run in with lice. It's a four letter word and that's all I'm gonna say about that.

Phone pictures:


Glad Emory captured this mom rescue.


 Blackberry harvest.

 Dinner at the park.

 Trip to Tillamook. Checking off our summer bucket list.

 Phone stealer.

 Picking Peaches.

 Girl's trip to Cedar City.

 Amanda Rose couldn't come on the trip, because she was doing more important things... 
like bringing this babe into the world so I could see him while I was there ;)

 Graham J. Christiansen, plotting his parents demise already.

 Children's Museum, another thing off the list.

 Lots of trips to the river.

 Emory waited a year for this Christmas present. She asked for a Pose 'n Stay Skeleton for Christmas, but she saw it in August at Costco. Needless to say, it was impossible to find by the time she told us about it. The Blessed Day!

 More Bucket List checking off.

 Shark tooth.


NW Day of Service with this handsome guy and breakfast with the kids at ACME.

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