Friday, September 21, 2007

Potty Time!

Well, it's been a fun filled week for me and Emory. I decided that it was time to give potty training a try. I'm not sure what I was thinking trying to do this nearly 8 1/2 months pregnant, I'm crazy! Anyways, the first day was a disaster. I think we went through 7 pairs of panties and was on my hands and knees, scrubbing the floor for most of the day. But, we kept going and really haven't had any significant accidents since day 1. She's still having a hard time during naps and at night, so I've been putting a pull-up on her. She also has a little issue with watching TV and movies. If the TV's on, she won't leave to go potty. If anyone has any suggestions, send them our way! She's definitely not independent yet, but I think we're making progress.
I went to the doctor (again!) and everything looks okay. Still breech, so we'll see what next week brings. I've been crawling and doing pelvic tilts and pretty much anything I can to get this girl to turn, with no success so far. I don't want to have to do the external version thing, because it means I have to be admitted to the hospital, and it's like an all day thing. But I'll do anything to not have a c-section again!
Cory did AMAZING on his last test, for Micro-Biology. We were so pleased! It's so nice when they spend all that time studying and it pays off. He's getting ready for his big Pharmacology test on Monday and then it's just test after test after test till the baby comes. He's such a trooper!
We're having a hard time naming this baby, so if you have any suggestions?!?

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