Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Quick update!

Well, here's a quick update. Cory's doing fabulously in school! He's been working his tail off and it seems to be paying off, because he is doing really well (compared to the averages) on all his tests so far. He's getting nervous as "D-Day" approaches because next week he has 3 major tests! He is determined to convince Dr. Erickson to induce me on Monday (the best day for him in the next week and a half) but it'll never happen. Dr. Erickson is very empathetic to Cory's situation, but there are extra risks in inducing when your trying for a VBAC. Poor Cory! Not like he has to give birth or anything like that!
The baby finally flipped over, all on her own! It's definitely a good/bad thing. Now I can try to deliver normally, but now I'm super uncomfortable. Waddling truly is the best way to walk. I go to the doctor tomorrow and hopefully I'll have dilated some more. I've been having some wicked contractions, and I'd hate for them to be all for not.
Emory continues to drive me crazy with this potty training. Some days she's a champ, other days it's like she totally forgot everything. I know I need to remember that it's a new thing for her and it'll take awhile. It's frustrating nonetheless.

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