Friday, May 21, 2010

Graduation is just 2 weeks away, and I'm feeling a little nostalgic. Cory and I met the second week of the first semester of his "official" undergraduate studies. One of the first things he told me was that he wanted to become a doctor. I thought, how ambitious. Now, here we are.
Words can't express how proud I am of my husband. He juggles so many responsibilities, and even though I joke with him about how unorganized he is, I could NEVER do what he does.
He went down to AZ a month ago to receive an award: AOMA (Arizona Osteopathic Medical Association) Student Distinguished Service Award. He is also finishing up his service and leadership on the Council of Osteopathic Student Government Presidents and as the AOA Board of Trustees Student Delegate.
We love you to the stars and back, Cory!


  1. Congrats Cory! I feel like such a behind slacker!

    Can hardly believe how long ago studying with you for Bio 1010 at Utah State was.
