Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My baby . . .

On 10.10.10 Tessa turned 3 years old! We love this chiquita a lot, but she is, most definitely, the drama of our family. She and I butt heads like nobody's business, I can't even fathom what's coming in 10-11 years. Seriously.
Our Laner basked in all her birthday glory, enjoying waffles for breakfast, sharing mini-cupcakes in nursery, tater tots for dinner, and birthday cake and ice cream with the Marcus Family. She got Beauty and the Beast, a Fancy Nancy doll, a little pet, money - to be put towards a dance or gymnastics class, and CANDY, which was all she wanted. The CakeShe is such a poser; most of the pictures are blurry because I was laughing so hard.This funny little girl loves to ride in this on my bike. She always wants to have a friend over to play. She is so loving and affectionate and I love her little person talk. "Yes, Momma, that is exactwy purfect for me," or "You are a bad servant, Mom," when I don't give her what she wants. She's a blankie lover to the end and misses Kirby "so, so much!" Happy Birthday, little sister!


  1. uh, i hate to break it to y, but the extreme head bashing starts at the age of 8 or 9. sorry.

  2. Happy Birthday Tessa! We miss you guys! Hope you had a wonderful birthday..Ike says hello!

  3. Yes please. Those are the best pictures I have ever seen. We can't wait for Christmas.

  4. Happy Birthday Tessa! And great job on the cake, Rachel - looks so pretty! (Obviously I'm pregnant because now I can't stop thinking about Natural Cheetos after seeing them on the top shelf in the first three pictures - yum!)
