Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Holidays

We had a good, long visit for Christmas, and miraculously I had literally no anxiety about the stress that is our life at the moment - which was a very good thing! The same day we flew in, we went to Discovery Gateway (thanks mom!) and the girls had a blast. I have to say, it was really nice to have 2 other adults wrangling the chilluns' and taking little people to the "bafroom" on an outing of this nature. (That worried look on Tessa's face? The helicopter started to make noise like it was taking off, so Cory waved and said, "Goodbye!" Tessa is just realizing who's flying the chopper.) We spent the first bit of our trip in Salt Lake with my family, and our long lost Josh and Sydney. The girl's have been waiting forEVER to see them, so they were in heaven. We built gingerbread houses (pictures posted previously) and had a stellar "Minute to Win It" family party with the Radfords. My mom and I planned it, and everyone one helped pull it off. Some of the games were, Santa Booty Shake (8 ping pongs in a tissue box, strapped to your tush, while vigorously trying to get them out), Face the Gingerbread man (Cookie on your forward, has to be moved to your mouth with out using your hands), and many others! Sadly, I only took video and took pictures of the kids playing before the event. We got a little snow, and true to form, built a slide. True to form, we played random games, like throwing playing card into bananas, until 1 am. Then we went up to Logan. We played with our favorite babe, and saw Santa. They loved Santa, and Tessa even showed him her ballet twirl skills! We also had an awesome party at Cory's Mom's house on Christmas Eve, with a stellar prime rib and a rousing round of the movie game. Christmas morning at Grandma Cookies was great. Very laid back and relaxing. The Zhu Zhu's showed up, per the girls' request to Santa.
Cory, Josh and Sydney left the day after Christmas, but we kept on playing. We had a Tamale Party with the James/Cooper Clan. The girls got Slankets from Grandma Cookie and wore them all the time. I tried to explain that they are for when you're sitting on the couch, but they thought they were making a fashion statement. Last, we went to Temple Square, which turned out being Tessa's favorite activity . . . by far. She was a hoot to hear and watch!
Thanks to my parents, for getting us there, and for everyone that gave up beds for us to sleep in, and for all the food and fun galore!


  1. You're girls are so cute! Glad you had a great holiday!

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