Friday, January 28, 2011

Donuts, Sunbeams, and 3 Wishes

We got a fun Mini-Donut maker from my Grandma for Christmas. They are a big hit around our house, and requested often for breakfast.
My little Tessa is a Sunbeam! I love what a character she is; so different from our generally composed Emory. She is very good in Primary, but likes to turn around every minute or two and say, "Pssst! Emory . . . Hi!" She has learned the first 2 Articles of Faith and sings them all week long. I've peeked into Primary, only to catch her dancing like a ballerina during Sharing Time, or spinning until she's dizzy during singing time; hopefully, these naughty instances are few and far between - not likely though. She's a spitfire that occasionally "embarrasses" her big sister, in Emory's own words. Not the first time, and certainly not the last! On with the Sunbeams, it's been GAWgeous weather up here. Seriously, beautiful days in the upper 50's. We spent one day riding bikes and playing at the park, soakin' up the Vitamin D.I had three wishes granted on my Birthday. #1) Spent the WHOLE day with Cory. #2) Went to the Temple. #3) Ate at the Food Carts in Downtown Portland. It was a tremendous day, and I'm so glad I have 1 extended family member close by. My cousin Neil and his wife, Crystal, watched our kids while we went to the Temple, then Neil and the kids joined us in our Taste bud Adventure with Thai Food from a Trailer. It was amazing!
P.S. On a final note, I think I'm in love with Steven Tyler. I cried twice this week watching American Idol. The first time was this. The second time was that.


  1. Good to hear you are finally having some good weather. Are those the food carts down at the saturday market? Those are the best!! Hope all is going well!

  2. Love it! Tell Tessa she's in a tie for my favorite niece. Food carts rule! We need to get you out here to Richmond to try the "Thai Cabin." "Appy Birday!"

  3. Ummm Yes. We love the Swensons! How lucky to have met them and visa versa for them too!

    I love that Tessa in dress-up is only wearing the bling. Really, it's fantastic.

    I think a doughnut maker would be my undoing...the inches to my waist...ack! It looks so good!

    Pick a date...the beach is waiting! You guys are welcome anytime! Winter is great 'cause it tends to be less windy but the summer is gorgeous too so really anytime Cory is available...or hey...if you want to take a trip with just the girls, that would be fun too!

    Tell Lindsey I say "Hi" if you see them again.

  4. So cute! I have a hard time reading your blog, cuz it makes me cry. I just want to hop on a plane right now and come see you guys. :(
    And I am so glad that you said it first...but I kinda have a little crush on Steven Tyler as well. I was bawling when he went over to that girl in the wheelchair. He is so charming. Raunchy but charming. :)

  5. Hey! i love reading your blog. :) I have loved using our doughnut maker too! So you do the glazes like it says in the recipe book it came with? Or have you found a better way? Yours look like they turned out a lot better than mine :)
