Thursday, February 16, 2012


My mom arranged for our family to have pictures taken over Christmas, since we rarely see my brother and his wife, and my other brother had just gotten home from his mission.

Siblings, oldest to youngest.

Weird Genes in action.

The Hub and I, oh, and little Epic too.

The Girls.

Brothers. Can you believe that they came up with this pose themselves?

Sisters. They didn't feel like trying to heft me on their backs.

My dad almost had to be photo-shopped into these, as he was late getting home from work.

I love my crazy family.

I really love my crazy family. And that my husband can out jump us by a mile.


  1. I would be willing to say that your mom and dad look by far the most awesome in the last picture. :)I couldn't have married into a better family.

  2. Nice work on the quilt. It made me think of the Dixie Chick song called Godspeed. It says "Good night moon will find the mouse, And I love you..." in it. It is so cute. I always thought if I had a baby boy, I would get the lyrics in print and frame it.
    The pictures let me finally see the whole family. You all look so much alike. Cory caught some serious air on the jumping shot, so did your older (younger still) sister. I would def frame the funny face one!!! Priceless =)
    Take care Rach!
