Friday, April 4, 2014


We got some snow!

Trampoline, the best thing we've ever bought!

Tradition of chocolate fondue.

Somehow I find that I only take pictures of my children without clothes on and extremely saggy diapers.

Winter Recital

Me: "Do a Beautiful Ballet pose?!"

 That Tween 'Tude is kicking in early ;)

 This is apparently what she thought of my suggestions.

She went with Cop a Squat 

My Ballerinas.

Phone Pictures:

 Watching the equipment, all. day. long.
 Snow fun with friends, inside!

 We saw Santa and his elves at Pancake House!

 To Fondue...

 To Fon-Don't.

Oregon Zoolights.

1 comment:

  1. Your ballerinas are absolutely lovely. Their poses (Yes, I know there is a more technically correct ballet term for this) are amazing!!! I almost had to fight the urger to giggle at them, because they can really pull it off! Oh, I how can I get my hands on some yellow shoes.
    Beautiful girls, for sure.
