Friday, December 14, 2007

Emory's Back!

My sweet little Emory is, well, sort-of back! She's still a two year old but she's being a lot better lately. I have a few stories that I want to share that made Cory and I pee our pants with laughter:
The Wise Men
As I was setting up our nativity of course my little helper/hurter, Emory, wanted to be right in the middle of it. While we were putting everything in it's place, I was telling her the story of Christ's birth. When I got to the wise men and told her they were bringing presents to baby Jesus for his birthday, she looked at the wise men (who are holding various containers, one looking like a pitcher) she said, and pointed to the guy holding the pitcher, "He's bringing Jesus 'spicy'!" Spicy around our house is also known as soda pop!

Super Why
If you haven't heard yet, my daughter is obsessed with Super Why. It's a PBS program that teaches kids their letters etc. I can't say enough good about it as Emory knows all her letters and most of the sounds that they make. Anyways, she has named everyone in our family a character from the show: Cory - Super Why, Rachel - Alpha Pig, Emory - Wonder Red, and Tessa - Princess Presto. She might call me mom one minute, the next she calls me Alpha Pig without any hesitation! A couple days ago, she runs into our room and yells "We have a super big problem . . . Super Why is missing!!" She knew he was at school, and still she launched a full investigation. We searched the whole house, checked the garage, looked outside, and then finally called him to see where he was. She made every movement just like the show! We even sang the "Hip-Hip Hooray" Song when we solved the problem! I was dying the whole time!

The true meaning of Christmas
Last Saturday we went to our Ward Christmas Party. They had a huge delicious breakfast and games and Santa came. As we were getting ready to go to the party, I told her that we were going to the church for a party and that she was going to get to sit on Santa's lap to tell him what she wanted for Christmas (semi-preparing her so she wouldn't freak). She looked over at me and said "No, mom, no . . . Jesus first!" It brought tears to my eyes, and made me feel like maybe I'm doing alright, as a mother.
PS She did great on Santa's lap, and we'll post the pictures soon.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you are writing this stuff in a permanent place so you never forget about them. Kids are so cute sometimes!
