Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Saint George

Lovely spring day, snowing the next; nice and warm day, freezing the next. This is what pushed us into our Easter trip to Hurricane/St. George. We took off on Thursday morning and had a fairly uneventful drive down to Hurricane. We stayed at Cory's Uncle Mike and Aunt Sheila's house. They have a really nice guest room. We had a ton of fun visiting with them throughout the weekend and they even fed us an awesome dinner on Saturday night.
My family decided the warm sounded like a good idea, so they rented a condo and came down too. We played in the pool one day, shopped at the outlets while the boys golfed, tried to go to the Art Show that they have downtown every year, ended up cleaning vomit out of Emory's car seat and running to K-Mart for new clothes (note to self: NEVER EVER give Emory Peeps!!! She hates them and will spew them all over to get them out of her stomach! Also, the car wash is a great place to spray clean a car seat.), ended up going bowling at this crazy old bowling alley in Hurricane, went to church, played at the fun water feature after breakfast at the Bear Paw, and had an Easter Egg Hunt at Snow Canyon's Sand Dunes - PHEW - we were busy! We had good weather, except for one day in the middle, and it brought back all the good memories and reasons why I love AZ.
Mermaid Emory, too bad dad cut off her tail in the picture! This was the first time we've buried the girls in sand. Neither of them were big fans. They didn't get that from me! That was all we did as kids. We always had a huge sandbox and spent hours with all the neighbors creating amazing cities and landscapes or burying someone up to their necks and then tickling their nose with blades of grass! I remember begging my mom to let us take the hose in, to make mud. Oh, the simple joys of childhood.
Mouthfuls of candy.

I love how dainty she looks when she runs.
When Tessa runs it's more like "MOVE, get out the way!"
Warming up on the rock, it reminded me of lizards sun bathing.
Gotta love the red dirt that turns into red mud.
She's not a big fan of the swim diaper.
All the family, minus Grandma and Grandpa and Kirby!
Our beautiful Emory! I don't think I'll ever get over how big she's getting.
Grandma made their cute Easter dresses, of course.
Tessa was unusually photogenic, which was a first for the child who usually does this . . .The girls loved all the attention they got from Mike, Sheila, and Savannah. We chased each other around in the kitchen, Emory played dolls with Mike, we watched people tee off in their backyard(they live on Sky Mountain Golf Course), and started planning our next trip to go see them - when it's warm enough to go out on their awesome boat! Yes, Emory is wearing a yellow polka-dot bikini. She got a new swimsuit while we were down there and wanted to show everyone. Yes, Tessa is wearing a sweater vest with no shirt underneath. I think she looks sexy.
Tessa keeping score while bowling.


  1. Those pictures are so cute. Your girls are adorable :)

  2. i really love the dresses! i need to borrow your mom. ;) I think I'm coming up at the beginning of june so DON'T GO ANYWHERE! Tell your little lizards I said 'hi'!

  3. oh, and no one should ever eat peeps. bleh - i don't blame emory!

  4. That water park looked awesome---- where is it? I'd love to visit it next time we go to st. george.
