Tuesday, November 23, 2010


We woke up to snow. Approximately 2 inches of it. School is cancelled. So much for making a trip down to Eugene, since there were more than 35 accidents and 5 jack-knifed semi-'s on I-5 this morning. Maybe we should think about investing in more than one snow plow for the city, and teaching these Oregonians a few things about driving in the snow, eh? (In their defense, there is a layer of black ice under ALL THAT white. Even Cory was sliding around.)

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, we got about an inch in Medford and it caused all sorts of issues. I can tell that I've been away from Utah for a little while, because the kids and I were thrilled and totally played in the snow and made 2 snowmen...out of an inch of snow! I totally laughed about it later.
