Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The time has come, the Walrus said . . .

To scratch, until we bleed.

You'd think, for how wet/humid-ish it is up here that this wouldn't happen. Like Father (my dad), like Daughter (me) and like Daughter (Tessa)! Bring on the Curel and Aquaphor.
Finishing up our October festivities were some traditional Hot Dog Mummies and babysitting.

Tessa is baby hungry. When we had the opportunity to watch a baby a couple weeks ago, she was over the moon. She was, literally, by his side for most of the two hours. Everyday since that she's told me to, "Get a baby in that tummy!" Which is laughable because I've had to dispel a few rumors because my kids were telling people we were having a baby. ("Congratulations!" "For what?" "Aren't you pregnant?" "No . . . do I look pregnant?" "But Tessa told me . . .") So, in conclusion, I'm NOT pregnant, nor will I become so, anytime soon. So, yes, much to the dismay of my children and extended family, no more little Maughansters for us. For awhile.


  1. I am totally going to steal that (with, of course, some tweaking). But one day I will have Mawnsters of my own! :)

  2. We've found cetaphil is the best stuff:) We should buy stock in it-haha

  3. Sweet!!! And better than Afton who actually does have a sister on the way and spends entire visiting teaching lessons kicking babies in the head, steping on them and pushing them over... not sure what we're going to do about that.
