Sunday, April 20, 2008

Announcements galore!

So, we have a few announcements to make . . .
Just Kidding! I just loved this picture and wanted to share it with the world, since I'm glad I won't be going down this path for a while -
Go Mirena!
Anyways, Cory was out of town last week at this COSGP (don't ask me what it means?) Conference in St. Loius. He ran for a national position, thinking that there was no chance that he'd win. He WON! Here is his official title: Council of Student Government Presidents National Vice Chair - Phew, that's a mouth full, and also the answer to COSGP. Congrats to him!
Cory's little brother Lucas received his mission call which we're super excited about! He'll be going to Kiev, Ukraine! He leaves for the MTC in August.


  1. Congrats to Corey and I am glad that is not your pregnant belly and I sure hope it is not mine in a few months...what does she have like 6 babies in there??? And it is cool that you have Richard Gere (btw, I had a guy too, but only picked the 1st 4!)

  2. Hey! Congrats, Cory, and then, my SIL went to the Ukraine. :) She'll be jealous when I tell her.

  3. Hi Rachel! I can't believe I found you! Congrats on the baby! She is so sweet looking! Thought you might like to know that Megan took Superior (one star) at Music Federation in February. If you're ever in Utah, stop by and say hi!

  4. Oh my gosh that picture is FANTASTIC! Hilarious. Congrats to your brother, and to your husband. Take care, Tammi
