Friday, June 20, 2008

My testimony . . .

I'd like to bear my testimony, that I know Air Borne is true . . hah, sorry, that's a little sacrilegious, but this stuff is a miracle here on earth! Seriously, the girls started up with these little colds a few days after we got home, and I started pumpin' my tablets. End of story: Cory = Sinus infection, Girls = Virus-of-some-miserable-sort, Rachel = not sick, but stuck taking care of the said sick ones. What can you do, it's that dang, nasty recirculated airplane air!
Home sweet Home! What else can I say? Our visit to Utah was great, but it's so nice to have my life back. I really missed my friends, and so did Emory. It was so cold and rainy in Utah, that we've really been enjoying this 114 degree weather, no, seriously. The splash park and friends' pools have kept us cool in the morning, movies in the afternoon, then the park after the sun goes down. (It's still 105 after the sun goes down, but you can't believe how much cooler that feels!!) I think Cory's glad for the company, although we still don't see him too often. Wednesday is the LAST-ish test and we are dying! He did take a break last Saturday to take Emory and I to Kung Fu Panda, which was fabulous! Emory invited Parker (who was accompanied by his dad, Jeremy) and they pretty much acted like they were on a date. I don't know what we'll do with them?!?
Emory continues to make us roll with her off the wall comments etc. Here's a few of the latest:

Emory: Dr. Ravi, why is 6 afraid of 7?
Dr. Ravi: I don't know.
Emory: Because 7 8 9!! Get it? 7 ATE 9!!!

(playing with toys in her bath tub)
Emory-baby duck voice: Hello Mother Duck, how's the water?
Emory-mother duck voice: The waters great, but I have a surprise for you! Baby duck, meet my niece, Emory!!
(she whips out a Barbie, who's obviously meant to be Emory!) I love how she heard this word in Utah, and uses it all the time now.

Emory: Dad, I'm your sweetie, right?
Dad: Right!
Emory: And that makes you my Cory and that's mom's Tessa!
(Early that day we'd been discussing how Cory was mine first, I guess that's why Tessa and I are Captain Hook and Wendy?)

Tessa is trying so hard to crawl! She loves to scoot over to stuff to climb up on it, and gets in and out of the position like a champ, just can't figure it out. It frustrates her to no end! She'll get it pretty soon I think, and if not, she'll just take off walkin'. She's also cutting her first tooth and it's on the top! I thought she'd been extra fussy this week, and I kept feeling for any sign of teeth to no avail. I thought to check the top the other day and there it was her lateral incisor.
I'm sorry this is super long, but this is what I consider my journaling!
Picture catch up:
Ike and TessaPlanting tomatoesSissy Snake (named by Emory, caught by Josh)Grandma Lisa and TessaTrain ride to OgdenJungle Jim'sAs you can see I was a little freaked out by this one, but Emory loved it!I've seen a trend in some of my friends'/familys' blogs about children falling asleep in random places and positions. This is enough to have CPS come take my kids away, at least I thought! Notice Baby Einstein in the background?It said specifically on the package, Not For Real Babies, but what fun is that?My beautiful mom, Grandma Chris, and Tess.Grandpa Chris and Em at her birthday lunch at CPK.
I forgot to say something on Father's Day, but I love my daddy so much! He is always there for me and my girls. I love how he gets down and plays with them, even though he's old and decrepit! I always said that I wanted to marry someone just like my dad, and sometimes I'm a little freaked out by the "Tyler-ish" things Cory does! I couldn't ask for better dads in my life, love you all!Emory's B-DayMy masterpiece, the Tinkerbell Cake!!!
I almost cried when I had to cut it up, but it was "licious" Emory said!


  1. You made that cake??? Amazing!!! You ought to do it as a side business.

    Welcome back to the heat. I am sure you are ready to have your house and hubby back...hang in there!

    Emory is a babe, happy birthday to her. It's so funny to see what a thin thing she is,next to juicy baby sista Tess! Love it!

  2. So that picture of Tessa is so cute squooshed in the stroller! Also that cake is awesome. Keep me updated on the moving situation. It'd be fun to have you closer and get to play more often. Thanks again for visting us.

  3. Way cute pictures! Nice to hear an update from the Maughn's. Way to go on your cake and I hear you on the "sadness to cute them up" factor! Did you ever make the castle cake from your That was a pretty awesome website, I thought, that I sent you.

  4. That is the cutest cake I've ever seen. I love the pic of tessa asleep on the floor, so funny! Laya has never done that. She sleeps in her crib and that's pretty much it!
