Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Have you ever had "the sprinkles"?

Emory asked me this question the other day, "Mom, have you ever had 'the sprinkles?'" I love sprinkles and told her so. "No, not that kind, the kind that sparkle inside your foot!" Still a little confused, I asked her how sprinkles got in her foot. "I think I sat on it too long."
Explanation: Her foot fell asleep, I think.
We play a new game called "What shapes can we find today" and we sing this over and over, asking each other what shaped we can see - kinda like "I Spy". I found a round clock, Emory found a square picture, I found a cylinder candle, and Emory found an OGAL mirror! She kept saying Ogal instead of Oval, and I was dying.
We finalized our Halloween costumes today, and if any of you know my mom you know that it's a super big deal. No purchased costume has ever entered our home. I'll give you a little clue, "They've got lots in common when it really counts!"
This was her hair on Sunday morning, she must have been mixin' that hair all night long to get these rats balls. We also spoke in church on Sunday, I think it went well.Emory put herself into time-out the other day, and this is where we found her!Tessa is so close to walking! She'll take few steps on her own, and she's so proud of herself. She'll stand up from squatting and she's also very proud of herself for that. She just grins and giggles and is so pleased, it's only a matter of time.
Emory convinced me to give her chocolate cake for breakfast awhile back. I don't think there's anything wrong with that, and neither does Bill! made these beauties on Sunday night, they were very decadent.Last but not least, this amazing video of Emory, once again asleep, in a crazy position.


  1. Ethan had so much fun playing with Emory at her house. He now thinks a backyard is not complete without some scenic cows!!!

  2. That video is so funny! I'm amazed at the funny positions your kids fall asleep in:) And I loved the bed hair! I'll bet that was a fun one trying to brush through. Call us and we'll get together soon:)

  3. I can't wait to see the costumes! I made some good ones for Tyler a few years ago but now I'm getting too tired (and fat - not just pregnant - actually fat). That hair is awesome! You could maybe incorporate it into her costume somehow.

  4. I love your blog!

    I'm so happy that I came acorss it!

    Can't wait to read about more adventures from you and your family!

  5. That video is too funny. Is she really sleeping?! I'd have to say I'm very impressed!
