Sunday, September 7, 2008

Maughans Reunited!

Back together again, and loving it! It has been so nice to have Cory around, I love him so much - and his muscles. It's hard to move boxes and couches all by myself. His rotation went well, all of the interns and residents were mad that he won't consider Internal Medicine as a career. I think he's happy to have some warm, delicious food again! Thanks to my mom! He also has some big news, he got another hole-in-one last week! We were dying! It took my dad 35+ years of golfing to get one, and Cory gets 2 in 1 summer. It was on Trilogy at Vistancia, Hole #7, 167 yards. You can see in the one picture were his ball hit just a few feet from the hole. He was with his friends Mark, Larry, and Drew. Congrats again, Cory! We're still slowly getting things together downstairs. We have a little ways to go. Last night I pulled an amazing feat. I made my brother and Cory change my parents fridge for ours. As we started to push mine into place . . . you guessed it - no fit! I almost cried at how stupid I could be, and the worst part was that I even measured and somehow still screwed it up. Arrrgghhh!
Tessa gets closer to walking everyday. She's loving standing on her own, but is still a little hesitant about it. She finally decided to start saying "Momma". I've been her favorite person for a while but she refused to say it. She does say quite a few other things, and love to mimic Kirby's barking. She's also making this new face!Emory started Miss Heidi's Preschool this week and loves it. She had a rough first day with a bloody nose and an upset stomach, but her second day was much better. She loves her teacher and all her new friends. I can't believe how grown up she is getting. Here's a little attitude as usual. Recently, she's started to say thank you for everything. "Thank you for getting Tess a Pop-Tart. Thank you for turning the TV off. Thank you for wiping my bum." What will she say next?

Ode to Grandpa Hulse:
He is the greatest Great Grandpa EVER! He just dotes on our girls and is so darn cute with them. We love you Grandpa! Here he is dancing in the rain with Emory and Uncle Chase. And we can't leave out Grandma Hulse either, she's equally as amazing!


  1. Emory looks WAY too grown up in her school picture -adorable though, as always!

  2. You dressed up Emory so darn adorable for that first day of school. Love it! My boys are stuck with baseball jerseys and shorts to look "cute." Although I am always at Children's Place trying to find stuff to keep up with the rest of those cute toddler yours!

    I am glad you are all together as a family again...very very rewarding.

  3. "You can see in the one picture were his ball hit just a few feet from the hole."

    What would Michael Scott say?
