Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Childrens

We've had too many amazing quotes over the last few weeks!

Grandma: Adam, come get you're grilled cheese!
Emory: NO FAIR!!
Me: Why?
Emory: No Fair! Girl-ed Cheese, that's not right for Animal. He needs a Boy-ed Cheese!

(Emory- quietly playing on the ground. Me- sitting on the couch reading. Tessa- waving around an unearthly heavy flashlight, like a crazy person. Tessa loses her grip on the flashlight and it flies toward Emory, hitting the coffee table inches from her head.)
Me: TESSA ELAINE!!! What are you trying to do!?!? Kill someone?
Emory (very seriously): Just me, mommy. She was trying to kill me.

(We went out for ice cream to celebrate my birthday and she had this to say about it.)
Dad: Eat that delicious ice cream.
Emory: Okay Dad. I will eat this ice cream and it will get the issues out of my throat and throw them into yours!

I know there were more, I'll have to keep thinking.
The girls continue to grow at the speed of light. We went in to the doctor for some shots, 7 to be exact. 2 for Emory, 5 for Tess - what a glorious day that was! Both girls are in the 50th percentile in almost all aspects, which surprised me. Emory's appetite is unstoppable at the moment, and I haven't seen Tessa eat in days!
Emory is always good for a laugh, and loves to play with her friend Lexi.
Tessa is . . . crazy. I really, truly think that's the only way to describe her. This is the list of missing objects today: my toothbrush, the flashlight (again!), one black shoe, and her spoon. She is also one of the smartest things. I swear she learns 10 new words a day. It would be useful if I understood even a quarter of the stuff she says! She also loves to be outside. We bundle her up and away she goes. The only thing that stops her is ice, which she chants over and over till you shove another piece in her mouth. This is what she did when I told her it was time to go inside. Love the snot pouring into her mouth! This was my attempt at taking a picture of her in the matchy-matchy dress.Last but not least, Emory possibly has a photographic memory. She's memorizes what words look like, where I put things, where Cory puts things, and where Tessa puts things, where clothes in her closet are, how to get places while driving in the car, the list goes on. Here's her new passion, learning songs in primary after hearing it maybe 5 times. (I think most sunbeams have no clue what's going on and just move there mouths their whole first year in primary!)

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