Thursday, March 12, 2009

Miracle Idol!

The time has come to say my piece about American Idol, or Miracle Idol as Emory would say. I think there is so much talent this year, and we're especially excited because we feel like we sort-of have a connection. It's my sister's cousin's husband's brother-in-law's dog's breeder's owner! Just kidding, but it's a little bit like that. My friend went to high school with Adam Lambert and they were good friends. Here's her blog if you wanna see pictures pre-EMO/Goth! I think he's got some skills, he's just not my "cup of tea."
I am LOVING Matt Giraud! That guy can play the piano and sing! Ever since Hollywood Week when he sang "Georgia," one of my favorites, I have been rooting for him. I know he's not the most popular, but I would listen to his music for sure!
Oh the joys of Reality TV!
Emory's said some RAD stuff lately.

Emory (praying over the food and saying the usual): Thank you for the piano, thank you for the Church, thank you for the Temple, thank you for Tessa to feel better, thank you for Dad for going to the hospital, thank you for Mom to make good food and not SOUR food!
*I'd made sweet and sour chicken the night before, which she actually liked, apparently she wasn't fond of the name!
**The next day she prayed I would make yummy food, and not grossy food!

(Mom and Emory practicing rhyming words)
Mom: Man?
Emory: Can!
Mom: Bat?
Emory: Fat!
Emory:Mom, what rhymes with vitamin?
Mom: Nothing, I guess?
Emory: Wrong! Bitamin rhymes with Vitamin.

(After church on Sunday, Emory was running around with a blanket over her head and making spooky noises)
Emory: Mom! Dad! Look at me! I'm the Holy Ghost!
*Wonder what she learned about in primary?

Tessa is . . . well, crazy! She's keeps me very busy. She's been very clingy since Puerto Rico, so I'm trying to help her gain some independence. I pulled out the potty, which she loves to sit on and pretend to push. I also turned her bed into a toddler bed. This could be a big mistake, but she's sleeping in it right now and loved climbing in on her own. Finger Crossed!! She's also starting to recognize and say letters names. This is about when Emory started doing that, so I'm not too surprised. She talks like a fiend too! I love watching Emory try to decipher what Tessa's saying. Some of my favorite phrases are:
"Momma, poop!?"
"Momma, drink, please????"
"No, No, Emmy!"
"Happy Birthday!" This one's not perfect, but you can totally tell what she's saying!


  1. I totally think Adam will take it all. I feel like I'm watching a concert when he sings. I am a fan of Anoop. Not really sure why, Scott thinks it is his name. I like Megan too. She is from Utah, you know. haha

  2. Please tell me if Adam is straight. I think he could go either way, but I am dieing to know. I also love Matt he has mad skills. Take care, i will be checking often for more Idol comentary. Take care, Tammi

  3. I love the silly things that kids say!!! My kids crack me up on a daily basis. Tonight Holly and Derek were both crying and Tyler said, "Mom, I know it's hard to take care of three kids all by yourself. I don't mind if you make my sandwich slowly." Okay, that's really more sweet than silly, but you get the idea.
