Tuesday, March 10, 2009

One year older and wiser too . . .

Happy Anniversary to us! 6 whole years and happier than ever, I hope! We had a fun filled weekend with tons of activities for our Anniversary Celebration.
We went up to Logan for an overdo visit on Friday. We were going to Em night skiing at The Beav, but it was a clear night and would have been frigid. So, instead we headed to Golden Corral with Cory's grandparents. We've been there before with them, but this time I think Emory's eyes were opened to the world of buffet eating. "Mom, I can get just about anything a want here!"
On our actual anniversary we went out to breakfast with Grandma and Grandpa Hulse, Grandma Lisa and Uncle Chase. Then we left the childrens at home with the boys and went shopping. I fully planned on spending no money and I did really well, only $5 and some super cute stuff! Kayla, Lisa and I had a great time dressing up for each other! I found another mini-skirt at Downeast, this one is sailor-ish navy blue wool, and I'm way excited to make it into another bag (that was the $5 I spent). We also stopped into Old Navy. Just the day before, Cory threw a ON gift card at me and said, "Here you go, I have no idea if there's any money on it." Anyways, I found this raincoat and have been eyeing it for a couple months. I decided if I got up to the counter and had the lady check the card and there was at least $15, I'd buy it. And how much was on the card? $36 and some change!!! It was my lucky day, it was my Anniversary Miracle. That night, Cory's grandparents watched the kids while we went out to a nice dinner. I got to watch Cory eat 1 lb of crab, it was interesting to say the least!
We had fun talking about how we've changed over the years. Cory's lost hair, gained weight (the good kind!), and is so close to achieving his childhood dream of being a doctor. I've been pregnant twice, had two beautifully terrific little girls, gotten Lasik!!, and grown my hair out. There's a lot of other accomplishments (and failures) in there, those were just the more physically prominent ones we could think of. For a little throwback to our wedding day, here's a picture of Cory holding my ring.I love it! I was thinking about how much our wedding rings say about us. Cory designed it. I didn't worry once that it wouldn't be right, I just knew it would be perfect! Even though he hesitated a little on the emerald cut, he followed through. I trust Cory in every way, he'll do what's right, no matter what.
After dinner we got to go to our first Aggie Basketball game. It was fun that it turned out to be their last, more hullabaloo. They won and we had a great time with Cory's Grandpa Maughan and our brother-in-law Adrian, who got us the tickets.
I've always admired Grandpa Maughan, he is an amazing person, but he said something that I always want to remember. A little while ago Cory helped him get a Pulse Oximeter to check his O2 levels. Grandpa was telling Cory that after he goes out and works on the tractor, his levels drop. He's super active for an 80+ year old man, working out on the farm, always going. Cory said, as nicely as possible, "Well Grandpa, your getting old! It's going to get harder for you to do the things you've always done easily." Grandpa laughed and I said, jokingly, "I don't think you'll ever stop! You'll be out doing something and you'll just fall over dead!" He laughed, looked at me and said, "And I hope it's doing something good." What a man!
Final note, I made these little booties for my cousin. She's having a boy and I found this awesome fabric with sheepskin on one side and suede on the other, in my mom's scraps.


  1. Happy Anniversary you guys. Looks like you had a fun time together and I bet it sure is nice to get away without the kids often. Take care

  2. The bags me and Alicia made were Amy Butler's Birdie Sling bag. You can buy it online or I have seen it in most fabric stores also. It took us awhile but you are probably more advanced on your skills. The second time around for us will be ALOT faster.

  3. congrats to the happy couple!! I LOVE emory's prayers. :)
