Monday, February 22, 2010

Something in the water

Emory and Tessa got these Valentines in the mail last week . . .Emory read it and looked at me confused. I told her that it meant that Kellie and Adrian are having a baby. She squealed and started jumping around saying, "I'm going to have a REAL cousin! And it's going to be a boy named Stewart!" She is constantly talking about "Stewart" and I don't have the heart to tell her that Stewart is their last name. Thanks guys, now she'll get off my back about having another baby for awhile. I better get started on gifts, since that's our 4th relative/friend that is due in August.
We had a fun dessert fondue party with some friends, and learned many fon-don't lessons about burning chocolate and turning caramel into . . . well, I'm not really sure what it turned into, but it was hard and crystal-ish. All that aside, it was super yummy, messy, and fun. We found out a new favorite though - pineapple dipped in chocolate!
Sadly, the YW organization was reorganized last week, and I was released as the Beehive Advisor and Camp Director. I'm sad to leave my girls, we had so much fun, but I'm also glad to have my Tuesday nights back. They gave me a "Heart Attack", and informed me that I am no longer awesome. I'm now the Relief Society Pianist, and excited for an easy, peasy next few months. Cory also got a calling. He's a Gospel Doctrine teacher! I know he'll do great, and he only has to teach every three weeks.
This is my cute little "Helping Robot". She loves getting into weird positions and chillin'. This is where she likes to be when I'm doing the dishes. The "Helping Robot" comes from a new interest in robots for both girls. They talk in this crazy monotone voice, walking around stiffly and helping! I don't know many 2 and 4 year olds like these creatively funny girls.

1 comment:

  1. I love these little Robots! Hopefully they'll have a REAL cousin from our side as well sometime in the future. I promise we won't name it "Christiansen." :)
