Monday, February 8, 2010

We matched . . . well, sort of!

After a little bit of drama (caused by a sleepy Cory's misread/misunderstand) we realized we'd matched to a DO traditional rotating year. It was a little surprising, since Cory didn't even interview there, but none the less, we're excited. Now we wait for a few more weeks till the MD match, to see where we go for the rest of residency. Some clues as to where we'll be spending our rotating year are: it's out of state, within 14 hours driving distance from Salt Lake, it's at a Good Samaritan Hospital, the weather's fairly mild, and only and hour and a half from the beach! One of our friends from AZ also matched to the program, so it'll be nice going there knowing at least 2 people.

1 comment:

  1. Alright, so where are you going? It sounds like California, but are you just trying to be tricky? Can't wait to hear. Congrates!
