Friday, October 19, 2007

What a week!

Who knew that life could get any crazier!!! I'm just kidding, it's actually been semi-calm around here. We are LOVING our new baby Tessa! She's a joy and a pleasure, and definitely keeps us on our toes. We went to the pediatrician on Monday, and she has a clean bill of health. She gained weight, 7 lbs. 12 oz., and just looked a little jaundiced, so she gets to sun bathe for 30 minutes a day. I love the doctor! She had 31 week triplets, so we're sort-of kindred spirits. I hate when doctors talk AT me and tell me what to do. I felt like she respected what I already know, from Emory, and that I know what is best for my child. She gave me some good pointers and we were out of there in 20 minutes. Tessa tricked me for a couple of days and slept for 6 hours straight! I couldn't believe it, because Emory didn't do anything like that for at least 4 months. I can't believe how different this mothering experience is from when Emory was born. It's night and day! There is one thing that is causing us (specifically me) pain.
Disclaimer: To anyone who doesn't want to hear about breastfeeding or the trauma therein, skip this next paragraph!
With Emory I pumped for 6 weeks and then she started nursing, so I was all "toughened up" by the time I actually fed her. This baby is a different story. Somehow, one "booby" is great and the other is not doing so hot. Let's just say there's bleeding and extreme tenderness, and that's putting it nicely! I've started calling Tessa "razor-blade lips", it's that bad. We're working on getting these things better, but if anyone has any advice, please feel free to share! I'm dying here!
Emory continues to be a two year old, and I truly can't ask much more of her. She has her good moments and her bad, and we're trying to help her realize that she'd be much happier if she'd simmer down.
Cory, well, we haven't seen him at all for the last week. He leaves before we wake up and gets home after we're asleep. Thank goodness my mom is here or I would be going crazy! Emory is so sad when a day goes by and she hasn't seen him. She'll look at us, stick out her bottom lip and say "I miss Cory". It just breaks your heart!
We're expecting visitors this week, Grandma and Grandpa Hulse are coming down with there friends to stay at a condo in Chandler. I think we'll see them for a few hours on Monday. Katelyn, my little sister, is coming tomorrow. She was dying to see her new and old niece, and since she is "off-track" she isn't missing school. It'll be fun to see family.
Thanks to all the well wishes and we hope to keep hearing from ya'll!


  1. I found your blog on Adrienne's page, but so sad about your dilemma.
    I used the lansinoh cream after every feed, it worked great and created a barrier and it helps the boob from getting so broken down. You can buy it over the counter, it make their little mouth shiny from the cream, but works! Try it, good luck, Abby Kobel-I think you are in my ward.

  2. You are in my ward! I'm such a loser with names and faces, etc. I actually got some Lansinoh the other day, and it seems to be helping a little. I let the situation get pretty bad before I started using it, so there's some healing that needs to happen. At least the last few times she's latched on I have cringed in pain! Thanks a ton, and introduce yourself to me sometime, if you know who I am!
