Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Good News!

Our hardship application was approved this last week, which means that Cory can set up most of his rotations for the next two years in Utah! We love our ward and friends here in AZ, but with these girls being the only grandchildren on both sides, we need to be closer to family. (That doesn't mean that Kellie's off the hook though - we still want cousins!!!!)
Life has been good. The girls and I just got back from a short trip to Vegas this weekend, to surprise my dad for his birthday. I'll post more about the trip later, when I get all of the pictures my mom took. Cory continues to study his life away, what else is new?
Here's a belated V-day picture.
Emory and Tessa's new favorite pastime . . . Emory tries to make Tessa jump "super high" - thanks Little Einsteins!


  1. That's great! Do you know where you will be living? If you are close we could have play dates with our kids. Well I'm so excited for you.

  2. Emory is getting so darn big girl!!! I love her hair pulled back like this, next to the bouncy chair.

    Utah, here you come! That will be lovely to have family around to help out and to babysit!!!

    Good luck being the single mama still, yuck, I totally understand...

  3. I'm so jealous your going to be back in Utah. I don't think I'm ever going to make it back there. Too many dentists. Paul said if I could find somewhere that he would make $300,000. a year he would take it. I don't think I'll get that lucky.

  4. Jealous! How much time will you get to spend there? My girls and I are looking forward to spending a couple weeks there in July. :) We are down to the final weeks now till baby #3 and I can hardly wait! I have the "all clear" on the VBAC attempt -dr. says I am an excellent candidate and it will just depend on my body's laboring from there. (She won't use any pitocin -rats!) I've been told they won't refuse me any pain medication but that an epidural can slow things wish me luck; I might try and be brave!
