Tuesday, August 26, 2008


This girl is so fabulous! She makes me giggle all day long - at least when she's not teething.
When she is teething, she insists on having this dart in her mouth. It looks like a little cigar or something, and she always has it in her mouth. She's also the "one tooth wonder". I like to call her Sloth for short.
She's also found where the food is. Going for the good stuff, maple syrup.
She crawls around on this step under my mom's island. I think she'll be a circus performer.Stairs have also become an issue. She is super fast now. She's even standing better on her own, and attempting to take steps. Please, slow down baby!
And as a special treat I had to add this amazing characature that my mom did of herself and my dad in college. Yes, my dad had a perm, and my mom was Farrah Faucet!


  1. So you are in Utah now! I bet it's so nice to be close to your family. Your little girls are such characters. My friend made me one of those hooter hiders too. I need to make some for others. It came in so handy!

  2. That whole "cheese" thing is adorable! You'll have to come over and teach that to Brynlee:) Tessa is getting so big! She is so stinkin' cute.

  3. Good stuff...so funny!

  4. I'm excited to see you as well on wednesday!!!! Yea girls night out!!!! If there are any girl clothes that you won't want in the future, I'd be happy to have those. Thanks!

  5. Hey! I sure enjoyed your blog! What great wedding pictures! You all looks so cute- especially your girls. We sure miss ya down here, but it sounds like you are enjoying your life up there. Be sure to keep in touch!

  6. Ha~ That pic of Tessa with a dart in her mouth is priceless. Christian was my one tooth wonder!!

  7. I didn't know that your mom could draw!?! That picture is awesome! I'm going to copy it and send it out to Costco for an 8x10.
