Thursday, September 17, 2009


Piano has begun! I'm so glad that I decided to start teaching again. I find so much joy in the 30 minutes I spend these kids each week. I have 7 students, all of which live in my ward. They range from brand new Beginner to Late Elementary. I'm looking forward to some really fun group lessons and Recitals!
Last week, we had a Primary Talent show. A few of my students performed and did fantastic. The icing on the cake was Emory's rendition of "I Know You".
She had so many compliments and really sang it out. Tessa was sad she didn't get to sing, so at the end of the program, she ran up and busted out "A Dream is a Wish". Silly me, I didn't start recording till she was almost done, but she got quite a round of applause.
On a very big side note, our Cory is home! We've been gobbling up every last second with him. The only reason I'm posting this right now is because he and Tessa are taking a nap together, so sweet! We've been to Logan, taken walks to the park, gone to the gym, saw the Witches at Gardiner Village, and BBQ-ed steaks and roasted marshmallows. Oh what fun, and how the heck am I going to make it the next 5 weeks without him?!?

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy that you are teaching Piano! Your students are lucky to have you.

    You look great in that pink swimsuit and white sexy mama!

    I totally understand about being husband-less, hang in there.
