Saturday, January 9, 2010

Who does she look like?

Don't you love it when people try to figure out who your children look like? It's funny because I can totally see it in other people's children but not in mine. Emory looks like Emory, and Tessa looks like Tessa. Until this photo popped up . . .

My mom showed it to Tessa and she said, "Oh, that's me!!" When I told her it was me, she argued adamantly that it was most definitely her, the baby - that's what she refers to herself as. I love this girl, and am so happy that I can finally prove she's mine. (Because of her dark coloring, everyone always says how much she looks like Cory. Ha, take that!)


  1. People tell us that our kids look like us all the time. Sometimes they say they look like me and sometimes they say they look like Jared. I think that Jared and I just look a lot alike (like you and Cory) so it's hard to tell who looks more like who. I think that my kids look like my dad.
