Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Don't you dare take down that tree!!!

It was my first Christmas, since I've been married, that I've had a tree. It was the best, and when we took it down yesterday, Emory screamed, "Don't you dare take down that tree!"
I was a hustle and bustle holiday season, but we had a grand ole time.
Josh and Sydney came for there first visit since they moved to Virginia for medical school. The girls were in heaven. Usually when they wake up in the morning they run straight into my room to poke me in the eye and wake me up. When Josh and Sydney were around, they went upstairs to poke them in the eyes!
Cory and my dad spoke in church for the Christmas program and it was really perfect. I made my first pieces of clothing.

We did a lot of partying; twice with the Hamilton's (Sydney's family - Tessa fell IN LOVE with her brother McKay), once with the Radford Clan (White Elephant gift exchange, where the coveted Conan was a hit, and we had an ugly sweater contest), and for a few days up in Logan with the Hulse relatives.
Emory was so full of the Christmas spirit - but in a good way. Once when we were checking out at a grocery store she was helping me load groceries onto the conveyor belt. It helped so much and I said, "Thank you so much Emory. Santa will be so happy to see you helping!" She of course showed me up by saying, "Santa and Heavenly Father, Mom!"
Both girls loved seeing Santa and sitting on his lap. They had no problem at all and told him exactly what they wanted.

We had fun sledding in our front yard. Both girls couldn't get enough!

Christmas Eve we spent at home, playing The Movie Game and eating. Emory had her directorial debut in the Nativity.

She cast every part and was clearly the most convincing angel ever!

Tessa was a stylish Magi.

Christmas day started out late. I woke up before my kids on Christmas, and had to get Emory out of bed. It was 8:30 am for cryin' out loud! We opened just the right amount of gifts and the girls had fun watching people open the gifts they made them.

Here's some of the stuff we made for our loved ones this year.

The haul.

Cory eating sticky buns while having a staring contest with Katelyn's Jacob pinata.

Josh stuck in the tube.

The girls made Cory a Jar of Warm Fuzzies and it's been the best thing ever. They also made me some reusable grocery bags that I love!
Can you tell it's 6:00pm on Christmas Day by the looks on their faces?

Visiting Grandma Audrey and Les.

Emory got Twister for Christmas, but as you can see, she didn't get to use it much. Anyone who knows Josh, knows my head is in a toxic area. It's safe to say Sydney and I got the most contorted awards. But in the end those with longer-legged genes got to compete for the title of Twister Champ.
We had a nice relaxing New Year, and got to spend some time with my long lost Fairview Friends.
Cory was set to leave on the 2nd for his last audition rotation in Tucson, but his car wouldn't start. We got him for 2 extra days, while his car was being repaired! Well worth what we paid. Emory used her new Easy Bake Oven to make a cake for Dad. Good to know that after all these years, light bulbs can still cook food. (I made that cake plate with an antique green glass candlestick from DI and a plate from Wally World. $1.50 total) After Cory said goodbye and left, he realized he'd forgotten something and came back in to get it. When he walked in Tessa gasped and yelled, "I just knew you'd come back!!" It was so heartbreakingly sweet.
Here's to a fantastic New Year, one where we'll finally make some money!

1 comment:

  1. so what did you think of the oliver + s pattern?? was it bad? how long did it take? can't wait to make mine!!
