Monday, July 7, 2008

I WIN!!!!! Jesse and DeAnna FOREVER!

I totally knew it!!! That was the best, and they are so freakin' cute! Anyways, I couldn't say any of these comments before, so as not to bias the poll (which I rigged anyways - 2 of the 3 votes for Jesse were mine!). Seriously, if you watched how she acted, kissed, and looked at Jesse compared to Jason . . . let's just say that there's no comparison. I am going to go enjoy my victory back rub, and eat a few mint Oreo cookies to celebrate. Goodnight!


  1. My husband and I both got into the show too. I was glad she picked Jesse, he really grew on me by the end of the show. He seems like a decent guy. I was really sad for Jason. But Brad just kept saying he was fine, he'll be fine. He needs to find someone in his same situation...poor guy. In the beginning of the show, I never would have picked Jesse to win. They seemed really excited after the show. I'm glad they actually set a date!

  2. always feels good to be right!!!

  3. I knew it too! It was quite obvious! Even though at one point I did think Jason had it for sure! Hope all is going good down there...we can't wait for you guys to be here. Isaac needs a friend.
