Sunday, July 27, 2008

Last Arizonian Blog

eI am sad to announce this is my last AZ blog. I really am sad! This has been my home for 2 years, I've made amazing new friends and have an awesome ward, that I am going to miss. I know this is right for our family (saving money and being closer to extended family) but it doesn't make it any easier.

To my AZ friends:
Keep checking up on us, because I plan on checking up on you!
I'm definitely coming to visit, new babies and catching up for close friends is a must!

To our UT clan:
Watch out cause here we come!
PS If any of you can help us move into my mom's on August 2nd, we would love extra help - plus we'll swim afterwards.

Since we're taking apart my computer in the next few days, this will be my last post for awhile!
Without further ado, picture catch up!

Our gorgeous girls! I love these dresses they're wearing (from Grandma Lisa) an amazing find from Wally World - WalMart.
I did 2 crafty things last week: #1) Made these cute mini cupcakes for book club.#2) Made these nursing covers for my friend Alicia. I wish I'd had some of these! The secret peeking hood is amazing!Helping me pack, a kinda wish they could ride in the back of the truck.Tessa's new seat and no, that's not the wind in her hair. If I remember right it's avocado, now guacamole.Emory being silly.

Emory's new thing - "Please, Mom? Just five more minutes of sleeping?"Guess what I did?Too cute! Feet crossed and nose in the air. She loves to take her nap on the couch, it's a special treat.Last day of her favorite place in the world - Sierra Montana Nursery!


  1. Ok so I'm so excited your going to be so close again!! We'll have to get together often. The pictures of your girls are darling. I too love the dresses. You have to tell me the trick to make those Nursing things stay popped out while you nurse. I have one but it doesn't stay out. Can't wait to see you again. Good luck in your travels.

  2. Man it has happened all so fast. I swear y ou just got back into town and now your leaving forever. You will be missed. You are the best. Take care, Tammi

  3. Rachel,
    I'm so sad you guys are going. We'll miss you and your cute girls. I hope my little girl is as chubby/cute as yours. Hopefully you will come back to see all the new babies. I was sad to miss the last pie night (we were out of town)..good luck with your move, we'll miss you!

  4. Good luck moving!! We will miss you...great job with all your crafty stuff btw!!

  5. I missed your last Sunday. I've been gone of vacation and apparently didn't know it was happening so soon. Who is my new VT partner going to be? Keep in touch and good luck.
