Friday, July 18, 2008

Satan's Playland

How many of you mom's out there have had to navigate through one of these babies, looking for a small toddler who won't heed your calls and has been MIA for going on 15 minutes?Oh, the pleasures of motherhood! I NEVER take these girls out to lunch, but today we were already out so I decided the McDonald's dollar menu probably wouldn't break the bank. After we ate, Emory begged me to let her go play. I was nervous because it was huge and multi-layered and there were places I wouldn't be able to see into, etc. I caved and let her go, with the warning to come down when I called. She went up. I waited and watched. I caught a glimpse of her after a while and then she disappeared again. After a few minutes I heard her scuffling and shouting something like, "LET ME GO!" I tried to walk around and find her, to no avail. She stopped so I thought she was on her way down - yeah, right. Going on 10 minutes, still no sign of her. To heck with it! I slung Tessa over my arm, and up we went.

3 reasons Rachel should not be allowed in The Play land

1) I'm not very nimble in the tubes of doom, especially with a 20 lbs. 9-month old wriggling. I was totally blocking small people traffic
2) It was 1 million degrees in there. I was seriously drenched by the time I exited.
3) I almost strangled the child who was holding Emory captive!

That's right, captive! This little girl who couldn't have been much older than Emory, was holding Em's feet so she couldn't get away. I scolded that nasty little girl, and she looked at me with this completely blank stair. Whatever, I hauled Emory down - she was upset too, because she hadn't even gotten to play - we got our shoes on and headed out. This older woman must have seen me "golum-ing" along up there and asks, "Have you seen my granddaughter, she has pig tales and a Dora shirt and . . ." Nasty Girl!?!?! That's right, I told that lady that her bratty kid was holding Emory against her will and well, a few other things, anyways . . . No response, she just looked at me and shrugged her shoulders, and went back to her 3500 calorie lunch!
Moral of story:
There is a reason Heavenly Father created peanut butter and jelly!


  1. TRUE DAT!!! winner for the only post in weeks to make me chuckle out loud!!!

  2. Rachel, that's hillarious. Glad you made it out alive. Thanks for your lesson today it really was great.

  3. Love your last few posts! Life has been interesting at your place...and I can't believe I'm barley going to miss you! Rats! Your mom said you are moving back! What? Where have I been? Good luck with the move and I'd love more details. P.S. Josh's wedding announcement has to be the cutest I've ever seen -love it! Wish I could come. Take care of those cute girls and keep them away from Mikey D's!

  4. I love this story! This is exactly what happened to me the first, second and third times (you'd think I'd learn)Tyler went into the McDonalds playtubes of doom! The only difference was that Tyler would go up and up and up as high as he could and then get scared and just start crying. I could usually see him but he was so upset that he wouldn't come back down for anything. Those tubes are VERY GROSS!!! Now when the kids ask me if they can go in the playland I always tell them "No, because kids throw up in there" and then they don't want to go. I also tell them that when they want to ride in those huge unweildly shopping carts with the cars on the front. (Actually, Tyler did throw up in one of those once.)

  5. Ugggg, I've had to do that before and it is a horrific nightmare! I have forgotten those days now that I have bigger kids that can go in after them instead of me!!! Funny stuff!!

  6. I've done the same thing! It is nice when the older kids can go get the younger ones. Funny story!!!
