Friday, December 5, 2008

Fire Station Fun!

Last month we went to the South Jordan Fire Station. Both kids loved it, and I thought it was cool too! We had an experience this summer where we got to see the firemen rescue our next door neighbors little boy from the car. Ever since then, Emory is always so excited to see the firemen ... "Firemen to the Rescue" are her exact words! These firemen were just as nice as the Surprise Department! They were so cute with the kids and told us moms some interesting facts: It takes them less than two minutes to get dressed in their entire get-up, they have 24 hour shifts, and it's really hot when they're actually fighting a fire (really?).
I love Tessa's face in this picture, it's like - I'm driving here, buddy, so don't get too close - I've got my eye on you.Here's Em checking out the "battle ax". "I hope they don't chop down my door," she said.Emory is loving preschool and loves primary even more. She's finishing up her last few weeks in Nursery so she gets to come in to Singing Time. I play for the Junior Primary, so I get to see how freakin' cute she is! She so reverent and loves to sing and do the actions. Last week I had a hard time playing because I was having so much fun watching her. This week as we were singing our bedtime songs, she said, "Now, I have a song for you," and proceeded to sing the whole song she'd learned in Primary! I couldn't even remember the words! She's also reading more and more words everyday, which is good and bad. I don't want her to be bored in Kindergarten which isn't for another year and a half, but I don't want hold her back from what she loves to do, READ! She reads words on shirts, books, signs, everything. Today she read 'book' on my shirt and said, "Mom, that's almost the same as this word," grabbed our Peter Pan book and found the word 'Hook'. She also loves to tell stories, and they are something else! She gathers the whole family around and treats us to a tale of Peter Pan, Tinkerbell, Fairy Emory, Hook, and generally a lion or two sneak in!Tessa is our lover. She loves giving hugs and kisses, especially when Em DOESN'T want them. She'll attack Emory from the back in a huge bear hug, which results in crying and then explaining and then hugging again. I have sad news to report, I've lost another child's love to Cory. She completely lights up when he's around, and loves to yell, "Daddy!" when he gets home. She is so vocal and her vocabulary has increased exponentially. She says so much and is non-stop jabbering. My personal favorites are 'gink'-drink, 'all done', 'ho-ho-ho', and 'woof'. She also pops her lips when she's hungry, which is a very useful thing for me. She also knows the name of and how to point at most body parts and loves that game, especially when it's 'belly button time'! I know for certain she'll have nothing to do with Santa, seeing as how she won't go anywhere near my mom's collection of Father Christmas'.


  1. The fire station looks fun, but I have to comment on something totally unrelated. I was walking through JoAnn's yesterday and kept thinking, "Where is Rachel? Why did she leave me?" Sad, I know. I just can't go to JoAnn's without thinking of you and thinking of you makes me miss you so now JoAnn's is a depressing place. And I can't believe you've never met my baby. :( That's all - just had to get it off my chest.

  2. What cute girls you have and how big they are getting. Now that Jeremy is back in school I am back to not having a husband, ever. I wish you and the girls were here so we could be without them together. I am sure, however, that rotations are somewhat better. We miss you guys.
