Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Grandma's House

Emory informed me that we don't live at Grandma's anymore. Grandma lives in the "large" house on top of our "small" house! I think she learned about opposites at preschool? Anyways, long over due pictures of our comfy, cozy "small" house. I love being here so much. There's lots that I miss about Arizona, but nothing beats meandering upstairs for some entertainment, babysitting, food borrowing, and the list goes on.
View to the Kitchen.View to the TV Room.Girls RoomOur Colonel Mustard Room, I was too lazy to paint this one. I love that it takes me a fraction of the time to clean, I love the ward, and I really am starting to enjoy this weather. Tessa loves to sneak upstairs to bother Grandma, and Emory is always up there making Adam play some crazy game with her - yesterday she bipitty-bopitty-booed him into Sydney!


  1. I'm glad to see you got a wall up! I bet that is nice!

  2. We stayed in Jared's parents' basement for about 6 months a few years ago and it was squishy but really nice. It's so much easier to clean and shopping at the Cooper Store (or the James Store) is the best cause you don't need any money!
